Diversity in the Boardroom

Boston Globe letter, December 24, 2015

“Diversity in the board room” (Editorial, Dec. 22) seems a good thing, but State Treasurer Deborah Goldberg should not be using “the Commonwealth’s $61 billion pension fund to make a stand on corporate diversity. She has a fiduciary duty to protect the value and security of the pension fund for the benefit of taxpayers and pensioners (of which I am both), rather than pursue goals of political correctness.

It’s no surprise either that Steve Mader, an executive “head hunter,” is in favor of term limits and more turnover for directors. I’d value the advice more from someone who wasn’t going to benefit from it.

Brian R. Merrick
West Barnstable

2 Comments Add yours

  1. bob.k.sheridan@gmail.com says:

    So true. Turnover in Boards help to entrench management.

    Sent from my iPhone



  2. Joan M Barrett says:

    Hi Judge, I love all of your writings….Keep them coming. My Best and Happy New Year, Joan


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