Clarence and Ginni Thomas: a husband-and-wife controversy

Boston Globe Letters, May 5, 2022 Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, political activist and wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, certainly advanced bizarre conspiracy theories in her text messages to Donald Trump’s White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, urging him to resist certification of the 2020 election results (“No kid gloves: Jan. 6 committee must…

The Demonization of William Barr

Expanded from a letter in The Boston Globe, June 20, 2020 The House Democrats unavailing efforts to smear Attorney General William Barr during his recent testimony before the House Judiciary Committee were only the latest in a steady drumbeat of criticism of Barr by the Democrats. I have written previously of Attorney General Barr’s qualities….

“Woke” Law

Boston Globe Letter . In the story about a lawsuit over an assault in a Boston University dormitory, the Globe reports that BU’s lawyers raised the argument of the student’s failure to use the sturdy door lock provided (“Dorm assault tests colleges’ supervision,” Page A1, Jan. 5). According to the article, “in response, Suffolk Superior…

Rife with strife at Harvard

Boston Globe Letter, May 7, 2019 It’s not nice of me, but I cannot help expressing a little schadenfreude at the pass to which Harvard has brought itself over a law professor’s defense of Harvey Weinstein (“A house divided at Harvard,” Page A1, May 5). The old verities, like the value of a lawyer defending…

We shouldn’t hold our breath waiting for senators to scrap the filibuster

Boston Globe letter The Globe’s laudable condemnation of the US Senate filibuster concludes with a disappointing whimper of a suggestion that the rule be limited and a more laughable one that senators change their behavior (“Fixing the US Senate,” Editorial, March 25). The filibuster is not a provision of the Constitution but a rule of…

Enough with the leaks – bring all the facts to light

Letter to the Editor, Boston Globe, February 1, 2018. It is ironic that an article, mocking the notion of misconduct by a few FBI officials, appeared on the front page the same day that Deputy Director McCabe was forced to resign.  (“Disorder from the ‘party of law and order’,” A1, Jan. 29) I don’t know…

A president’s conflicts cannot be untangled by statute

 Boston Globe Inbox  There is a reason that the president is not subject to the federal conflicts-of-interest statute. The qualifications for assuming the presidency are set forth in the Constitution, as are the powers that the president may exercise (“The White House is not just another asset,’’ Editorial, Jan. 16). They may not be modified…

Hillary should refuse to debate Donald

[Note: A shorter modified version of this post appeared as a Letter to the Editor, Boston Globe,May 14, 2016] The road to 270 electoral votes on the map shows an advantage to a generic Democrat over a generic Republican, mainly because Democrats have the edge in former swing states where the minority population is growing fast. Of…

Scalia’s Posthumous Critics

Boston Globe Letter, February 29, 2016 On the day of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s funeral, the Globe published four letters about him, all critical (“The Scalia way,’’ Readers’ Forum, Feb. 20). They objected to the policy consequences of his decisions, alleged that he applied religious beliefs to his decisions and failed to interpret the…

Apology in order-but not to House Speaker

Boston Globe letter, January 19, 2016 HOUSE SPEAKER Robert DeLeo has demanded that the Globe apologize for comparing the House of Representatives in Massachusetts to a plantation (“On Beacon Hill, a challenging year ahead,” Capital, Jan. 8). The Globe should apologize — to plantation owners. Brian R. Merrick West Barnstable

Diversity in the Boardroom

Boston Globe letter, December 24, 2015 “Diversity in the board room” (Editorial, Dec. 22) seems a good thing, but State Treasurer Deborah Goldberg should not be using “the Commonwealth’s $61 billion pension fund to make a stand on corporate diversity. She has a fiduciary duty to protect the value and security of the pension fund…

Remaking our world, if only by degrees

Boston Globe letters, December 6, 2015 LETTERS | HARVARD RETHINKS ITS SYMBOLS DECEMBER 06, 2015 HARVARD IS dropping the title “house master” for student residence supervisors. So what will replace its master’s degree? Brian R. Merrick, West Barnstable